Annouk Van Moorsel (°1962) studied at the Higher Institute for Dance and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Licentiaat in clinical psychology). She worked as a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Since 2002 she has been the coordinator of the dance teacher training programme at the Royal Conservatoire of AP Hogeschool.
She was responsible for the quality assurance policy of the department. Since 2007 she is also the Head of the teacher training programmes Dance, Drama and Music and since 2019 the Acting Head of dance.
She has worked as a psychologist / therapist and is co-author of the book '4 je mee?' - Initiation lessons for 6-year-olds with crossovers to the art disciplines of drama, dance, music and image.
Since 2005 she has been involved as a promoter and co-supervisor in various research projects at the Department of the Royal Conservatoire and the University of Antwerp, and she is the chair of CORPoREAL research group (Royal Conservatoire). She is a member of the Organizing Body of AP Hogeschool, the Council of the School of Arts Royal Conservatoire and the Research Council of the Royal Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Antwerp.
She is a member of CoDA, an international research network "Cultures of Dance" that was founded in 2019 on the initiative of Professor Timmy De Laet of the University of Antwerp.
Chairperson: Research group CORPoREAL
Function: Head of department Music and Performing Arts & Education, Coordinator for Music and Performing Arts & Education Dance.