Problematizing Interdisciplinary Performance Through Noise | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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Problematizing Interdisciplinary Performance Through Noise

Based on and inspired by his extensive experience as a composer in interdisciplinary projects, Clerc Parada’s research departs from the assumption that noise is a connective force that exposes the multiplicity of factors that are at play in artistic experiences and their sociopolitical contexts. How might collaborative artistic practice and research inform and challenge this assumption? And most particularly, how is this assumption manifested in the artistic outcomes of one specific collaborative trajectory between a composer and a choreographer? In trying to answer these questions, will it be possible to move noise towards a philosophy of the body? The main goals of this project are to investigate the transformative and adaptive nature of noise in collaborative processes, its potential as a conceptual tool in educational settings and to explore noise as a term to think about the performing body in terms of resistance.

Through a series of collaborations as a music composer in choreographic projects Clerc Parada will study how noise (conceptually and physically) might affect the creative processes and its artistic outcomes. This will be explored in and through a series of interdisciplinary workshops for dance students, artistic residencies and two new interdisciplinary creations, as well as in a retrospective study of four choreographies where Clerc Parada collaborated as a composer.