Piet Menu | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content

Piet Menu

Piet Menu (Roesbrugge, 1977) is an educator by training and has worked in the arts since graduating, mainly in theatre, dance and performance with occasional sidesteps into music and literature. He was the artistic director of Zuidelijk Toneel from 2015 to 2023.

From Flemish Culture House De Brakke Grond, Festival Cement, the House of Bourgondie to again De Brakke Grond, Piet worked almost his entire career as a Belgian in the Netherlands. That means he is used to reaching across borders. The artists he has worked with come from both the Netherlands and Belgium, from the theatre world and beyond.

Piet believes in multicolour and polyphony.

He loves collaborations inside and outside the art field. Always looking for interaction between different groups of people. This is how the work comes into the world and the world into the work.

Piet was appointed head of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp in January 2024.