Rik Vercruysse was taught by André Van Driessche at the Brussels School of Music, where he gained first prize and a diploma horn magna cum laude. At the same School of Music, he also gained first prize and a diploma chamber music with Arie Van Lisebeth.
In 1987, he was laureate of the Tenuto competition, and since 1983 to date, he has played as horn soloist for the following orchestras: Muziekkapel van de Gidsen [Guides’ Band], Filharmonie van Vlaanderen [Flanders Philharmonic], BRT Philharmonic Orchestra, New Belgian Chamber Orchestra, I Fiamminghi and finally the Beethoven Academy. Moreover, he also plays for the woodwind quintet, Quintessens, and the wind ensemble I Solisti del Vento.
Website: www.belgianbrass.be
Subject: Horn, Chamber Music