Tine De Ruysser was the first Belgian to attain a PhD in Metalwork and Jewellery, at the Royal College of Art in London (UK). For this, she received support from both the British Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Flemish Government. She participates in jewellery, textile and origami exhibitions in Germany, the UK, Russia, Korea, New Zealand, Japan and Taiwan amongst other countries.
Her work is in the permanent collection of CODA (The Netherlands) and the V&A (UK). She won international awards, such as the “Talente Award for Design” (Germany), the “Bavarian State prize” (Germany), and “The Armourers and Brasiers Company Award for innovative work in metal” (UK).
Her work has been published in a wide range of international books and magazines. Tine taught at Lincoln University (UK), gives workshops in Belgium and abroad, and is a Jewellery tutor in Belgium since 2012.