Bachelor and Master in Visual Arts
Costume Design
In recent years theatre, performance, dance, opera and film have merged into artistic hybrid forms in which different disciplines from the performing arts work together.
Educational master in Visual Arts
If you want to become a teacher in the visual arts, the Educational Master in Visual Arts (combined with your master's degree in Visual Arts) is perfect for you.
Fashion reflects social, societal, cultural, artistic and aesthetic ideas. It occupies a prominent position in our culture and economy, defines a period and can be both controversial and revolutionary. In this sense, a fashion designer can put a personal stamp on the times.
Fine Arts - In Situ
Art does not always function in an artistic environment. Outside the studio, gallery or museum, ecological, economic, social or architectural contexts have a major impact on a work of art.
Fine Arts - Painting
Painting has been around for centuries and has reinvented itself several times. In an age of digital visual culture, it occupies a unique position. Choosing for painting is choosing a slow medium with a particularly rich tradition and contemporary potential.
Fine Arts - Printmaking and Drawing
In these times of digital dominance in a rapidly changing world, many artists return to the slowness of the creative (re)production process and drawing. Unlike purely digital media, printmaking adds a challenging material component. Printmaking and Drawing explores and connects both worlds.
Sculpture is an ancient artistic discipline, highly subject to changing notions of beauty. Influenced by social and technological developments, the solid medium of sculpture is taking on increasingly fluid shapes.
Graphic design
Graphic design is so intertwined with the world around us that we often no longer see that just about everything in our surroundings was designed by someone. This makes Graphic Design a very versatile practice, primarily concerned with the transmission, organisation and communication of (visual and textual) language.
Jewellery design & gold- and silversmithing
The human need for ornament is universal and timeless. Jewellery and wearable objects tell a story about the status, style and culture of the beholder.
Today everyone with a smartphone seems to be a photographer. But is that really the case? Photography is a rapidly changing medium with a direct relationship to the changing society. A photographer looks at the world and works with what reality has to offer. The Photography programme at the Academy trains the image makers of tomorrow by familiarising them with the technical, conceptual and aesthetic aspects of the medium.