'Metodo per bene accompagnare Del Sig:e Maestro Fedele Fenaroli. Partimenti divisi in Libri Quattro' by Ewald Demeyere | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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'Metodo per bene accompagnare Del Sig:e Maestro Fedele Fenaroli. Partimenti divisi in Libri Quattro' by Ewald Demeyere

'Metodo per bene accompagnare Del Sig:e Maestro Fedele Fenaroli. Partimenti divisi in Libri Quattro'

Critical Edition by Ewald Demeyere (2021)

This edition presents Fedele Fenaroli's partimento corpus as it appears in a manuscript that is preserved today in the Archivio Musicale della Biblioteca San Francesco in Bologna with the title Dell'Accompagnare|Libri quattro del Sig.e Maestro Fenaroli (I-Bsf M.F. I-8). The decision to select I-Bsf M.F. I-8 as the principal source for this edition has been made after an assessment of a great number of manuscripts containing partimenti by Fenaroli. I-Bsf M.F. I-8 proves to be a coherent, well-written manuscript with Fenaroli's books 1 to 4, causing the fewest issues among all partimento manuscripts.

This publication is the result of Ewald Demeyere's research at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp.

You can download the edition for free on: 
