! CANCELED ! Gesture, interdisciplinarity and new technologies | AP School Of Arts Skip to main content
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! CANCELED ! Gesture, interdisciplinarity and new technologies

It is with great regret that we have to conclude that with the rising infection rate and the more restricted covid-19 measures the continuation of ARTICULATE (part 1) at the Academy and ARTICULATE (part 2) at the Conservatoire cannot take place.


Research Seminar ARIA

initiated by Alireza Farhang
with Ine Vanoeveren, Diemo Schwartz, François Paris, Pieter-Jan Maes, HERMESensemble, Bruno Boulzaguet

This event has a focus on notation, gesture and new technology in the composition of interdisciplinary works. Through this event that consists of lectures, interactive presentation, round-table as well as the performance of Chuchotements burlesques, an entire piece for an actor, three musicians and electronics, we will attempt to study the notational strategies and motion capture that are brought forward with new technologies.

Today, thanks to the new technologies we are able to engage all our senses deeply in the perception of our environment that figures in music, sound and image. Thus the relationship between concept, notation, repetition and work was radically redefined; resulting in the draft processes themselves becoming autonomous artworks. Digital technologies have given rise to new forms of expressivity, allowing art and science to enter into a symbiotic relationship, hence an erosion of the conventional boundaries between different branches of art. Nowadays artists navigate flexibly between music and theatre, video and dance, in order to express more complex ideas. The logical manifestation of this is closer collaboration between artists; hence, there is a real and practical need for a lingua franca between artistic disciplines such as music, theatre, dance, as well as performances, installations and digital art.

One of the main objectives of this event is to create a platform of exchange for theoretical reflections and empirical attempts. The specialised musicians of the Antwerp based ensemble, HERMES, will feature a new version of a transdisciplinary work, entitled Chuchotements burlesques, which is considered as the outcome of the two years research project that the composer carried out during his residency in the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp in 2018 and 1019.

The event is public. However, through a call, artists, composers, researchers, as well as students of composition, dance and theatre of universities and conservatoires are invited to participate actively in the interactive presentation of the event.

15:00 - 15:30  Lecture by Ine Vanoeveren (Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp): Accessible tools as a way for interdisciplinairy development - Witte Zaal
15:40 - 16:10  Lecture by Diemo Schwartz (Ircam, Paris): Tangible and Embodied Interaction with a Corpus of Sounds - Witte Zaal
16:20 - 16:50  Lecture by François Paris (University of Côte d’Azur, Nice): Composer Desk - Witte Zaal
17:10 - 17:40  Interactive Presentation by Pieter-Jan Maes and Tim Vets (Ghent University), Alireza Farhang - Witte Zaal
19:30 - 20:00  Concert HERMESensemble Chuchotements burlesques (2019/2020) for one actor, trio and electronics - Gele Zaal
20:00 - 20:30  Round Table with Pieter-Jan Maes (Ghent University), HERMESensemble, Bruno Boulzaguet (actor), Alireza Farhang (composer) Gele Zaal


>> This event is part of the program of ARTICULATE | BAUHAUS 1 0 1.