Thomas Crombez & Nico Dockx (eds.), 2021
The research group ArchiVolt, founded in 2009 at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, takes the archive as a public space of assembly in which both the material and non-material foundations of the present are being created as well as contested. Hereby, its diversity of research endeavors becomes performative rather than just another mode of registering or recording. How can we develop in our current times of global crisis, a long-term and sustainable research program in which archives can offer possible strategies and ecosystems of commoning?
In this Track Report publication, a multitude of research projects and their related archives gets unraveled, made public and activated. Fourteen artists/ researchers were interviewed on their practice by Thomas Crombez and invited to make a contribution to this book based on their research work with archives in relation to their own artistic practice.
Contributions by Guillaume Bijl, Ines Cox, Thomas Crombez, Cara Davies, Els De bruyn, Els Dietvorst, Nico Dockx, Frédérique Gagnon, Alexis Gautier, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Kristina Gvozdenović, Elizabeth Haines, Heide Hinrichs, Allon Kaye, Valentine Kempynck, Borbála Kormos, Johan Pas, Vijai Maia Patchineelam, Rolf Quaghebeur, Bence Rohánszky, Eric Thielemans, Fernando S Torres, Phillip Van den Bossche, Ersi Varveri, David Vermeiren, Gijs Waterschoot
The publication has 12 different cover designs based on archival footage from the different researchers/ artists that contributed to this publication.
Available at TiqueORDER HERE |