Poetic encounter with the digital shadow: empathy and intersubjectivity in electroacoustic duo improvisations
The instrument(alist) maker: shaping artistic identities through instrument modification.
The Voice of Many Waters: Acoustemopoetic Composition of Carmelite Mysticism
From Stage to Page: An Experimental, Performance-led examination of the relationship between Musical Performance and Musical Analysis
Calling songs
Designing Digital Tools for Musical Improvisation: Live Electronics as a Vessel for Improvisatory Acousmatic Music
Encounters. Today’s music performance scene as a space of social and phygital interaction
AI Musicking: Innovative Approaches to Musical Co-creation through Machine Learning
ReSoXy: Re-sounding the xylophone collection of Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren
Creating the Artistic Identity
Temporary Sonic Architecture
Digital Tubes
Hybrid Score
T*ActiLE: Technology and Action-led Experience in music performance
Sound Choreographies. Listening to dance
Les Nymphéas digitales
Speaking figures
Different Tubes
Thinking Bodies in Dance. Somatic R.E.A.C.H. (research in electronic and algorithmic choreography)
Anthony Braxton's Tricentric Thought Unit Construct in Post War Western Art Music
100 jaar surrealisme
Performance Art: craft or amateur art? A game with the codes of the theatre and the museum